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Secondary instrumental music (Band) is an elective course. Grades are dependent upon the student’s preparation and participation. Being in band fulfills the Fine Arts requirement for graduation with one academic fine arts credit per semester. The goals of the course include developing the student’s 1) instrumental skills, 2) ability to sight-read music, 3) performance skills, and 4) teamwork ethics.
Instrumental music addresses the 21st Century learning construct of developing employability skills through its teamwork, effective communication/presentation skills, and the fostering of accountability and responsibility.
Opportunities in instrumental music include concert band, parade marching band, pep band (supporting sports activities of football and basketball), and IHSMA contests (solo/small ensemble and large group). Members of the band are eligible for extracurricular activities including color guard, jazz band, All-State band, College Honor Bands, and NICL conference band activities.
Prerequisite: at least two years of middle school band-(during grades 5-8) or Teacher Consent
VOCAL MUSIC (year-long)
CONCERT CHOIR: Secondary Vocal Music (Concert Choir) is an elective course. Students will be introduced to various styles and periods of music history through their participation in Concert Choir.
SKILL DEVELOPMENT: Goals of the course are to develop:
1) singing skills
2) performance skills and 3) life/employability skills. Voice lessons will be offered.
Other skills, such as knowledge of music theory, scale assessments using Solfege/Kodaly, sight-singing, performance etiquette, knowledge of music history, and rhythm-reading, may be included as desired by the choir director.
PERFORMANCES: The Concert Choir annually performs in the Holiday Concert in December, the Coffee Concert in March, and the Spring Concert in May. The Choir also performs at the NICL Conference Vocal Festival in January and the IHSMA State Large Ensemble Contest in May.
EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Members of Concert Choir are eligible to audition for extra-curricular music activities, including OPUS Honor Choir (9th grade), The Iowa All-State Choir Auditions, Fall Musical, State Solo/Small Ensemble Contest, honor choirs, summer music camps, and workshops, singing the National Anthem for home EMHS varsity events, or other opportunities that present themselves for our choir members.
ACADEMIC CREDIT: Members of the Concert Choir will receive one academic credit per semester. Participation in Concert Choir does fulfill the Fine Arts requirement for graduation.