Mr. Rush’s Classroom
Mr Rush is back at East Marshall High School for the 2024-25 school year. He is teaching four classes this year and they are Algebra…
Mr Rush is back at East Marshall High School for the 2024-25 school year. He is teaching four classes this year and they are Algebra…
The Iowa National Guard provided physical education students the opportunity to play laser tag! The National Guard encouraged participation,…
Last week at East Marshall High School, the student body participated in Homecoming festivities including decorating around the school and the football field. Student Council…
Ms. Anderson’s yearbook group took a day off of school to sell ads for the 2024-2025 yearbook. They went…
Financial literacy students worked on researching careers. They started…
These students measured the volume of the classroom. Then, given the density of air, they figure the…
In Forensic Science class, students conducted a lab dealing with Locard’s Principle. Locard’s Principle states that the perpetrator of a crime…
Spanish 1 has been working on basic greetings. They are working towards being able to have a simple conversation in Spanish. Spanish 2…
The English 9 classes are jumping into their Literary Circles. As a class, we read summaries from…