
Middle School Athletics

EMMS Parents:

Junior High sports will begin on Tuesday, August 24. IHSAA/IGHSAU does not allow them to start until the first day of school, but with the first day being an early out, we will start on Tuesday, August 24.  

JH athletes will have to have all the attached paperwork in before they can participate. All forms must be signed and turned in for your son or daughter to participate in practices. A reminder that some physicals are still current and you will just need the other three forms. Let us know if you have any questions.  

We will be scheduling a parent meeting for JH sports here soon. Please be looking for that date and time.  

Scott Wheater (EM Athletic Director) and Jodi Fuller (EMMS Game Manager)

Concussion Form

Covid-19 Student Hold Harmless

Participation Form

Physical Form


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