Research, examine and discuss issues and trends that impact AFNR systems on local, state, national, and global levels.
Identify public policies and examine their impact on AFNR systems.
Examine the components of the AFNR systems and assess their impact on the local, state, national, and global society and economy.
Examine and summarize the importance of health, safety, and environmental management systems in AFNR business.
Use appropriate protective equipment and demonstrate safe and proper use of AFNR tools and equipment.
Assess and explain the natural resource-related trends, technologies, and policies that impact AFNR systems.
Describe career opportunities and means to achieve those opportunities in each of the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Pathways.
Evaluate and implement the steps and requirements to pursue a career opportunity in each of the AFNR career pathways (e.g., goals, degrees, certifications, resumes, cover letters, portfolios, interviews, etc.).
Examine and choose career opportunities that are matched to personal skills, talents, and career goals in an AFNR pathway of interest.
Analyze the interaction among AFNR systems in the production, processing, and management of food, fiber, and fuel and the sustainable use of natural resources.