Analyze the origins of government with attention to the purpose(s) of government, various theories of democracy, rule of law, and alternative models from other nations and groups.
Explain how changes in supply and demand cause changes in goods and services, labor, credit, and foreign currencies.
Analyze how diverse ideologies impacted political and social institutions during eras such as Reconstruction, the Progressive Era, and the Civil Rights movement.
Assess the impact of individuals and reform movements on changes to civil rights and liberties.
Examine labor and governmental efforts to reform and/or maintain a capitalistic economic system in the Great Depression.
Analyze the effects of urbanization, segregation, and voluntary and forced migration within regions of the U.S. on social, political, and economic structures.
Examine how imperialism changed the role of the United States on the world stage prior to World War I.
Analyze the growth of and challenges to U.S. involvement in the world in the post-World War II Era.
Analyze change, continuity, and context across eras and places of study from the civil war to modern America.
Evaluate the impact of inventions and technological innovations on American society and culture.
Critique primary and secondary sources of information with attention to the source of the document, its context, accuracy, and usefulness such as the Reconstruction amendments, Emancipation Proclamation, Treaty of Fort Laramie, Chinese Exclusion Act, Roosevelt’s Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, Wilson’s Fourteen Points, New Deal Program Acts, Roosevelt’s Declaration of War, Executive Order 9066, Truman Doctrine, Eisenhower’s Farewell Speech, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Test Ban Treaty of 1963, Brown vs. Board of Education decision, Letter from a Birmingham Jail, and the Voting Act of 1965.
Analyze how regional, racial, ethnic, and gender perspectives influenced American history and culture.
Determine multiple and complex causes and effects of historical events in American history including, but not limited to, the Civil War, World War I and II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.
Compare various systems of government, such as monarchies, democracies/republics, empires, and dictatorships, and their methods of maintaining order and/or control.
Employ maps to display and explain the spatial patterns of human and environmental characteristics.