Forms Needed by Coaches
Course Bloodborne Pathogens Training
Right to Know
3 years:
Mandatory Reporter
Renewing Coaching Authorization
Must have Mandatory Reporter, CPR Training, Concussion Training and 5 clinics or rules meetings and dates to renew your coaching Authorization. Coaching Endorsements will be renewed under the same stipulations as your teaching license.
Coaches Responsibility – Transportation to/from activity contest sites:
If the bus driver is not a coach, the coach, which is a representative of that team, needs to ride the bus to and home from all games they are at with that team. If the coach is the bus driver, then a second coach is recommended to be on the bus to help with supervision and any troubleshooting. If anything would happen to come up, and if the sport has only one coach, we have to get a bus driver to transport the students to their contest sites. Some of the special circumstances for this to not take place could be but not limited to: Taking an injured athlete to seek treatment at a hospital, sickness by the coach (severe), or coaches needing to be at a performance site earlier than the bus needs to arrive for that particular activity.
Coaches Evaluation
Head coaches evaluated every season by Activities Director/Principal
Assistant coaches evaluated by head coach with Administrative support if needed
Volunteer Coaches
Volunteer coaches must meet the requirement as set forth in the State Code (36.1516). Head Coaches/Directors must request their desire to have a Volunteer Coach/Director prior to the start of the season. Applications for volunteer coaches/directors may be obtained and returned to the Superintendent. Once an application has been submitted the Superintendent will act upon this application and subsequently present to the Board for approval. After submitting their initial application, volunteers must inform the Activities Director each year of their intention to volunteer in each respective activity.
Definition (as per Department of Education memorandum – April 12, 2004)
A volunteer coach is a person who holds a coaching authorization or coaching endorsement from the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners, and who diagnoses, prescribes, evaluates, assists, or directs student learning of an interscholastic athletic endeavor at a practice session or on the field of competition, but does not receive compensation from a school or school district for his or her efforts.